Haven. Hope. Healing.

Eden House

Mission & Vision

We believe that every woman who has suffered from commercial sexual exploitation is worthy of care, healing, and the chance to begin again.

Our mission is to be a haven of hope and healing love for survivors of human trafficking.

Florida is ranked 3rd highest of all the states in the US for sex trafficking.  

Thousands of women and girls are sexually exploited every year in Florida; yet less than 70 can receive aftercare through existing programs for sex trafficking survivors.

Each survivor has a name, a face, and a story.

These precious women have been trapped in darkness and violence and desperately need a safe home where they can experience the light of hope and kindness.

A Night of Hope Fundraising Gala

Join us for A Night of Hope to benefit Eden House at the Vineyards Country Club on November 18th.

Hear more about the mission and vision of Eden House, the women we will serve, and how you can make an impact.

Jesus said to her, “Your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”
Mark 5:34
The Trafficking Crisis

Will you see her and care for her?

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain any sort of labor or commercial sex act. 

Though many victims are undiscovered, approximately 25 million people were trafficked globally in 2016. It is estimated that 54% of those involved sex trafficking.

In the US alone, tens of thousands of women and girls are sexually trafficked every year.

The average age of a girl lured into the sex trade is 13.

85% of those who are sexually exploited were abused as young girls. Traffickers prey on their vulnerabilities through romance, grooming, and meeting material needs.

84% are under third-party control.

89% of women controlled by a pimp want to escape.  Their greatest immediate need is a place to feel safe.

80% of survivors are at risk of re-victimization if they do not have adequate after-care services.



With the oversight of First Naples Church, the Eden House leadership team will begin networking, fundraising and recruiting community partners in the fall of 2023.


When the needed funds are raised, a property will be purchased and a home will be specially built or refurbished for the Eden House program. Preparations will also be made through continued networking, and recruiting and training staff and volunteers.  


The vision is to welcome our first women to Eden House in 2025 or soon after.